Use it for...

Notomaton works the way you want it to. Start from a blank slate and add Plugins for extra functionality - keep it simple for minimal fuss.

Quick notes

Out-of-the-box accounts include basic notes with rich-text formatting; just add notes for anything that comes to mind or anything you want to remember. Notomaton is deliberately all about short-form notes, so just add as many as you like and rely on the fast search to find them again later.

A daily journal

Add the Journal plugin to add a new note type; "Journal Entry". Journal entries have rich-text content, plus a title and a date. The plugin automatically adds a Journal view for you in the sidebar; use this view to see just your journal entries.

Come every day and document your thoughts and activities. Use the Journal view to browse historic entries.

Note; whilst journal entries are dated, Notomaton does not prevent you from creating multiple entries in a single day; use this to (for example) journal in the morning and the evening.

More coming soon...

More examples will be added here as more Plugins are launched, and as our internal and beta testing teams discover and evolve creative new ways of using Notomaton.