Known issues

Through the early access and beta periods there may be some issues which we are aware of but have not yet resolved, where these are user-visible they may be noted here - and removed when they are fixed. See also the Changelog for recent updates and resolved issues, and the Roadmap for current and planned development.

Current known issues

The View Save/Save-As buttons are always active

In some circumstances, the app is unable to detect whether filter changes (search, sort, layout, etc) have been made to a View and this results in the Save buttons being always enabled. They should automatically enable/disable based on whether any View changes have been made.

Until this is resolved, ignore the Save buttons unless/until you wish to save changes to a View.

Cannot share content on iOS/Apple devices

Installable web apps do not support being a "share target" for sharing content on iOS/Apple devices. A native app, delivered through the Apple App Store, is in development and once released will resolve this issue.

The workaround in the meantime is to copy+paste content into Notomaton.