Early access

Notomaton is in Early Access. This means not all planned features are complete, and many of those that are available may have bugs and may be altered, tweaked or further developed before they reach their final form.

Early Access is public to invite feedback and input from early users so we can better understand how to make Notomaton as great and as useful as possible.

Early Access does not yet enforce plan limits (e.g. # posts per day). Paid subscriptions are not yet available.

We welcome all (constructive) feedback, positive and negative. We welcome all feature ideas and suggestions.

We are also offering a limited number of free lifetime subscriptions for active contributors; whether through regular bug reports, feature requests, translation/internationalization support or other input.

It is especially important to us that Notomaton be accessible to as wide an audience as possible; if you have any kind of disability or use any assistive software, such as a screen reader, we would very much appreciate your input and feedback in helping make Notomaton as easy to navigate and use as possible.

To give Notomaton a spin, just sign in and get started

If you're interested in actively contributing feedback, please get in touch - we'd be delighted to hear from you!