
Notomaton is an easy-to-use but highly flexible note-taking and brain-dump app.

Use it to record all your thoughts, todos, ideas, actions, "read it later" links, everything - treat it like outsourcing part of your brain.

Notomaton can support notes, calendars, todo lists, journals, blogs as well as syncing saved posts from social media. But it doesn't have to; just enable the plugins you need and keep it super simple.

How it works

It revolves around short form notes ("Notoms"), which can be textual, images, video, dates or other types.

In its most basic form, using Notomaton just means writing notes about whatever is important to you - and the platform then stores them chronologically and makes them easy to search, filter and view.

If all you need is to keep track of your thoughts and notes, then this is an easy and simple way to do that with no fuss and no mess.

But where it gets more exciting is through plugins, which add templates around notes and how you access them, to give them more functionality...



Plugins are integral to Notomaton and enable richer forms of content such as tasks, todo lists, journals, blogs and the syncing of content from other platforms and social media into Notomaton.

Pick the plugins you want in your account area to enable the features you want to use, but leave the rest out; so Notomaton is no more complicated than it needs to be for what you actually want.

Plugins can...

  • define new kinds of note to create (e.g. a journal entry or blog post)
  • create new filtered Views (e.g. My Blog or My Todo List)
  • perform tasks automatically (e.g. sync a post you saved from Reddit as a new note)